Technical data
Length: 2,6 m
Width: 1,2 m
Height: 1,5 m (bez prihvatnog platna)
Weight: 850 кg
Power: Take power of shaft from tractor
Conditions for mechanical harvest
-Minimal height from the ground to the first branches is 50cm.
-Minimal distance between the tree-lines is 4m.

Lower cost of harvest
During 10 hours of work, one Harvesting machine can harvest 1000-1200 trees. To harvest this number of trees manually, it is necessary to hire 120-150 workers.

Trees which are mechanically harvested can grow higher and bigger and these trees have more fruits.

By lifting first branches higher from the ground,possibility of transmitting diseases from the ground to the fruits is reduced.Fruits have better collocation, they are more exposed to the sun andhave better quality Cultivation between the tree-lines is easier and more effective.
- Machine can be used for harvesting, cleaning and packing stone fruits (cherries, plums, olives as well as pistachios, filberts…. ) Independent design for a power take-off shaft operation.
- Min. power of tractor must to be 40 HP, min. distance between the tree lines 4m and min. height of trunk (from the ground to the first branches) 50cm.
- The weight of machine is 850 kg. During the process it is leaned to the ground and during transportation it is leaned to the supportive wheel.
- The time of accessing the tree and the time of shaking the same is 30 sec. which depends on the driver, his training to carry out the mechanical harvesting and plantation preparednes.
- Machine is operated by min. of 2 workers (driver of the tractor and one worker who removes the boxes).
- The percentage of the tree shaken is 95% with total removal of impurity (leaves, brushwoods...)
- Continual change of amplitude and frequency is possible during shaking.
- Machine is easy to operate and there is no special training involved.
- The damaging effect to the tree is excluded.
- Machine is tested at the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade and it has been exploited for 13 years now.